Apples in pregnancy nutritional benefits
Apples offer a range of benefits in pregnancy, as they contain Vitamin C, the B complex vitamins – B-6, thiamin and riboflavin, dietary fibre, phytonutrients, potassium, iron, calcium and phosphorus
Apples along with other fruit during pregnancy may even help make your child more intelligent – read about apples and fruit in pregnancy over at the Telegraph. .
1. Apples contain calcium
Calcium can be found in apples. During pregnancy, calcium is vital for your baby’s healthy bone development. Apples provide a rich source of calcium.
2. Apples in pregnancy may aid digestion
Apples contain insoluble fibre, which can help promote digestion as well as aiding a healthy metabolism. Insoluble fibre may also help reduce intestinal disorders.
3. Help build your immune system
We all know the saying of “An apple a day keeps the doctor away….” and in pregnancy, apples can help to build a strong immune system for you and your developing baby. As mentioned apples contain vitamin C which is an important vitamin for the immune system.
4. Asthma possible protection
Although the actual reason for this is not entirely clear, it has been shown that eating apples when pregnant may protect your unborn child against having asthma attacks later in her childhood. Apples also reduce the chance of wheezing. Here you can read what the BBC say about apples in pregnancy.
5. Anti-anaemic properties
Anaemia during pregnancy has been associated with low birth weights and preterm labour. Eating apples may help reduce the chances of developing anaemia as they are rich in iron.
6. Apples during pregnancy may promote a healthy heart
Apples can help promote a healthy heart and reduce heartburn. During pregnancy, you may be more prone to heartburn, because of more acidity and higher blood pressure.
7. Detoxification
Apples are known to help cleanse and detoxify lead and mercury, which is especially important during pregnancy.
8. Apples along with fish may help prevent allergies
Also eating apples and fish during pregnancy may help prevent allergies. Learn more about how apples in pregnancy may prevent allergies over at ABC News.
9. Power Food
Apples are a power food. They provide quick energy to your body, because of their carbohydrate content. On top of this, they are low in calories.
10. Apples may help prevent cancer
Some medical studies have revealed that eating apples frequently can help prevent cancer by as much as up to 422%.
Discover more nutrients:
Vitamin C
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This website was formerly Merrion Fetal Health. The clinic has undergone a rebrand and is now known as Merrion Ultrasound.