Healthy Pregnancy, Pregnancy Health Conditions
Book Your Appointment Understanding endocrine disruptors and your fertility Chemicals are now everywhere. They are in food as colorants, preservatives, and even traces of pesticides and heavy metals. When looking individually at these foods, they are quite safe....
Pregnancy Medical Studies
Book Your Appointment Covid-19 can worsen mental health in pregnancy: a global study raises alarm Covid-19 related restrictions and their adverse impact on physical and mental health are no secret. However, its impact is even more on vulnerable groups like pregnant...
COVID-19 Pregnancy, Healthy Pregnancy
Covid-19 is a highly contagious infection caused by a mutated coronavirus called SARS-CoV-2. It causes mild respiratory disease in most. However, in some, it may cause a more severe infection of the lower respiratory tract, hyper inflammation (also called cytokine...
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