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Pregnancy Nutrition Blog Category

Why We Love The Pregnancy Nutrition App Hollestic

Why We Love The Pregnancy Nutrition App Hollestic

    With the development of current technology, everything can be done online or through mobile apps. You don't have to go far to get information. It is precisely to make life easier for pregnant women and those planning to become pregnant that the National Maternity...

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Pregnancy Nutrition App Hollestic

Pregnancy Nutrition App Hollestic

Eating a well-balanced, healthy diet, full of nourishing foods is important for you and your developing baby. As a mum-to-be, you can make food choices that ensure that your baby gets the best start in life. The Hollestic app aims to help you achieve this by providing...

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Protein in Pregnancy-What You Need to Know

Protein in Pregnancy-What You Need to Know

As a pregnant woman, you probably already know the importance of consuming a healthy diet, to pass on all the necessary nutrients and building blocks to your developing baby, to heighten her chance of healthy growth. Protein in pregnancy is one of the many vital...

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Pregnancy and DNA-what you really need to know

Pregnancy and DNA-what you really need to know

Most of us know the term, DNA, but unless you are involved in some aspect of the scientific or medical world, it’s unlikely to be a subject that you discuss very often  However, when you conceive, it may be a topic that naturally becomes more interesting for you. This...

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Phosphorus in pregnancy

Phosphorus in pregnancy

When you want to build strong bones in both you and your baby, it is important to eat phosphorus in pregnancy. Phosphorus is also incredibly important for bodily functions like blood clotting, kidney function, tissue and cell repair, muscle contractions and a normal...

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Iron in pregnancy

Iron in pregnancy

To ensure that your baby will have healthy blood cells during those important nine months, iron in pregnancy is essential. However, you may be one of the many women who don’t even realise that they simply aren’t getting enough iron.   Sources of iron in pregnancy Lean...

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Apricots in pregnancy-10 nutritional benefits

Apricots in pregnancy-10 nutritional benefits

Apricots in pregnancy nutritional values include the below: Click on the highlighted nutrients below to learn more about their individual benefits. Iron Folic Acid Calcium Magnesium Vitamin C Vitamin A Phosphorus Silicon Copper Cobalt     Early Pregnancy Scans...

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Apples in pregnancy-10 potential benefits

Apples in pregnancy-10 potential benefits

Apples offer a range of benefits in pregnancy, as they contain Vitamin C, the B complex vitamins – B-6, thiamin and riboflavin, dietary fibre, phytonutrients, potassium, iron, calcium and phosphorus Apples along with other fruit during pregnancy may even help make...

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Iodine in pregnancy-its role and food sources

Iodine in pregnancy-its role and food sources

During pregnancy, iodine is a very important part of your diet. In general, you should be eating a healthy, varied diet according to the food pyramid, with a special awareness about some of the most vital nutrients that your body needs at this time. Please refer to...

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Pregnancy nutrition-Vitamin C

Pregnancy nutrition-Vitamin C

During pregnancy there are a number of important nutrients that should be part of your varied, healthy diet. Once you are eating a balanced diet with plenty of vegetables and fruit, there's a good chance you are getting the Vitamin C you need. To check exactly which...

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Calcium in pregnancy – 6 calcium facts you need to know

Calcium in pregnancy – 6 calcium facts you need to know

During pregnancy, you need to consume 3 portions of dairy products, or calcium-fortified food alternatives. If you are an adolescent who is pregnant, you will need to bring these recommended portions up to 5 per day.   Calcium is central for bone health. Your...

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11 pregnancy diet and nutrition essentials

11 pregnancy diet and nutrition essentials

During pregnancy diet is of the utmost importance, both for you to be healthy and for your baby to get all the nutrition he needs to develop. This article investigates some of the essentials of pregnancy diet and nutrition that will help you work towards a healthy...

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Cramps During Pregnancy

Cramps During Pregnancy

Leg cramps are unconscious muscle contractions affecting calves, legs and often the upper-leg. The painful sensation is very normal during pregnancy, frequently occurring during the night. Even though most common throughout the 3rd trimester, you might experience...

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Vitamin E In Pregnancy-What You Need To Know

Vitamin E In Pregnancy-What You Need To Know

Vitamin E, like all other vitamins and nutrients, plays various roles in our health, and of course, during pregnancy. However Vitamin E has had some questionable press, such as one study that was carried out in Holland and made its way into the Daily Mail. The NHS...

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Food Safety In Pregnancy

Food Safety In Pregnancy

Good food hygiene should always be practised and particularly in pregnancy. The following guidelines will help you : always check the expiry dates while you are out to check that the salads, vegetable and fruits have been washed in clean water and you are unsure as to...

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3 Common Dieting Misconceptions For Pregnant Mothers

3 Common Dieting Misconceptions For Pregnant Mothers

Over the years, a lot of common myths about what pregnant mothers should or should not eat have been debunked. Many of the things that society used to think were not okay for pregnant women have since been proven to be harmless old wives' tales. Thanks to the...

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Midwife sonographer facilitated

Consultant Led, Centre of Medical Excellence 


All articles on the blog and website are intended as information only. Please do not consider any of the information provided here as a substitute for medical advice. At all times seek medical advice directly with your own doctor and medical team.


This website was formerly Merrion Fetal Health. The clinic has undergone a rebrand and is now known as Merrion Ultrasound.