Medically checked by Sarah Madden, Midwife Manager (31.08.2023) A caesarean section is a procedure that is carried out so that a baby can be born without needing to go through the birth canal. In some instances a caesarean section may be elective, which means it has...
What Is??? Blog Category
Pregnancy: what is Asherman Syndrome?
Asherman Syndrome FAQs What are the Treatment Options for Asherman Syndrome? Asherman Syndrome Treatment OptionsAlthough it may be possible to minimise scarring, this is a lifelong condition. Treatment may improve the scarred tissue sufficiently in order to...
What is an assisted vaginal birth?
Assisted Vaginal Birth FAQs Early Pregnancy Scans 6-11 weeks Nuchal Translucency 12-14 weeks Anatomy Survey 18-22 weeks Later Dating 12-17 weeks Gender Scan 19 weeks onwards Growth & Well Being 22 weeks onwards Post Dates & Liquor 40 weeks onwards Loyalty...
What is dilation?
What Is Dilation FAQs Early Pregnancy Scans 6-11 weeks Nuchal Translucency 12-14 weeks Anatomy Survey 18-22 weeks Later Dating 12-17 weeks Gender Scan 19 weeks onwards Growth & Well Being 22 weeks onwards Post Dates & Liquor 40 weeks onwards Loyalty Programme...
Pregnancy-what are stretch marks?
Stretch Marks FAQs Early Pregnancy Scans 6-11 weeks Nuchal Translucency 12-14 weeks Anatomy Survey 18-22 weeks Later Dating 12-17 weeks Gender Scan 19 weeks onwards Growth & Well Being 22 weeks onwards Post Dates & Liquor 40 weeks onwards Loyalty Programme...
What is effacement in pregnancy?
What is effacement in pregnancy? FAQs Early Pregnancy Scans 6-11 weeks Nuchal Translucency 12-14 weeks Anatomy Survey 18-22 weeks Later Dating 12-17 weeks Gender Scan 19 weeks onwards Growth & Well Being 22 weeks onwards Post Dates & Liquor 40 weeks onwards...
Is it safe to have sex when pregnant?
Is it safe to have sex when pregnant FAQs Early Pregnancy Scans 6-11 weeks Nuchal Translucency 12-14 weeks Anatomy Survey 18-22 weeks Later Dating 12-17 weeks Gender Scan 19 weeks onwards Growth & Well Being 22 weeks onwards Post Dates & Liquor 40 weeks...
Pregnancy-what is quickening?
Quickening FAQs Early Pregnancy Scans 6-11 weeks Nuchal Translucency 12-14 weeks Anatomy Survey 18-22 weeks Later Dating 12-17 weeks Gender Scan 19 weeks onwards Growth & Well Being 22 weeks onwards Post Dates & Liquor 40 weeks onwards Loyalty Programme...
Pregnancy-what is a show?
Show FAQs Early Pregnancy Scans 6-11 weeks Nuchal Translucency 12-14 weeks Anatomy Survey 18-22 weeks Later Dating 12-17 weeks Gender Scan 19 weeks onwards Growth & Well Being 22 weeks onwards Post Dates & Liquor 40 weeks onwards Loyalty Programme Discover our...
What is a membrane sweep?
Membrane Sweep FAQs Early Pregnancy Scans 6-11 weeks Nuchal Translucency 12-14 weeks Anatomy Survey 18-22 weeks Later Dating 12-17 weeks Gender Scan 19 weeks onwards Growth & Well Being 22 weeks onwards Post Dates & Liquor 40 weeks onwards Loyalty Programme...
Pregnancy Hormones Explained
Pregnancy Hormones FAQsWhile a normal, healthy pregnancy can have a number of wonderful moments, women undergo a series of physical (both internal and external), emotional and psychological changes in their day to day life during pregnancy. And the majority of these...
What is endometriosis and how can it affect pregnancy
Endometriosis FAQs Endometriosis can sometimes make it difficult to conceive and in some cases, it can be a cause of infertility. In some cases, surgery may be suggested by your specialist. During the procedure, endometriosis tissue is removed, which could increase...
What is gestational age & how to measure it
If you are pregnant and need to calculate the gestational age of your fetus and understand what is gestational age, then read on. What is gestational age? Once you start attending a medical practitioner and going for early pregnancy scans, you will hear the term...
What is an Implantation Bleed?
Implantation Bleed FAQs Early Pregnancy Scans 6-11 weeks Nuchal Translucency 12-14 weeks Anatomy Survey 18-22 weeks Later Dating 12-17 weeks Gender Scan 19 weeks onwards Growth & Well Being 22 weeks onwards Post Dates & Liquor 40 weeks onwards Loyalty...
What is pre-eclampsia
Pre-eclampsia FAQs Early Pregnancy Scans 6-11 weeks Nuchal Translucency 12-14 weeks Anatomy Survey 18-22 weeks Later Dating 12-17 weeks Gender Scan 19 weeks onwards Growth & Well Being 22 weeks onwards Post Dates & Liquor 40 weeks onwards Loyalty Programme...
What is Oestrogen
Estrogen or oestrogen is the main female sexual hormone, which is responsible for the regulation and development of the female reproductive system, along with secondary sexual characteristics. Oestrogen is a hormone, which is secreted by the ovaries. Oestrogen or...
What Is A Threatened Miscarriage?
An ongoing pregnancy associated with bleeding is called a threatened miscarriage. The first symptoms are usually vaginal bleeding with or without mild period type pain. The bleeding can occur at any time after a missed period. Threatened miscarriages are often noticed...
What Is An Ectopic Pregnancy?
Ectopic pregnancy results when a fertilised egg becomes implanted anywhere outside the cavity of the womb (uterus). Most ectopic pregnancies develop in the fallopian tubes but occasionally in the ovary. As the fallopian tube is not large enough to accommodate a...
What Is An Inconclusive Scan?
What does an Inconclusive Scan result mean? There are three main reasons you may receive an inconclusive scan result: it is simply too early to see the pregnancy or, the pregnancy is not growing as it should or there is a possibility of an ectopic pregnancy. If at...
What Is Tokophobia?
Tokophobia is a severe fear of childbirth, which prevents some women from having children. Actress Dame Helen Mirren has admitted to suffering from it. There is no doubt that some scenes from movies have given plenty of women a rational fear of childbirth. Gruesome...
Midwife sonographer facilitated
Consultant Led, Centre of Medical Excellence
All articles on the blog and website are intended as information only. Please do not consider any of the information provided here as a substitute for medical advice. At all times seek medical advice directly with your own doctor and medical team.
This website was formerly Merrion Fetal Health. The clinic has undergone a rebrand and is now known as Merrion Ultrasound.