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Pregnancy Diary Week 21

Discover your pregnancy journey

Pregnancy Diary Week 21

This week is when your baby can start to taste!! By pregnancy week 21 you should stop doubting what’s happening inside your body when your baby is moving around. Find out what to expect this week and also learn about the nutritional benefits of lemons.


How your baby is growing

What you can expect  at this time

A beneficial food for your pregnancy nutrition


Pregnancy Diary Week 21: How Is Your Baby Growing?

Your baby should be around 3/4’s of a pound and is around 10 ½ in length. The baby’s fluttering movements inside your body become more evident.

Her eyelids and eyebrows are now forming and if you are having a baby girl, her vagina is now developing.

This week, your baby begins to have a sense of taste. In fact, she can now swallow a bit of the amniotic fluid. This means that your baby also eats everything on your menu.

What you can expect

As the baby gets bigger every day, most likely you are now beginning to notice the presence of stretch marks. These purple, red and pink streaks are pretty normal during pregnancy because the tissues under the skin are torn due to the stretching skin. But of course, not all women have stretch marks. You can only have it if you have gained weight rapidly or your Mum had them when she was pregnant.

By this week, you can no longer mistake the baby’s movements for gas. Your baby is actually making a lot of movements in your body. You can now feel the baby twisting, kicking and turning inside the womb. Symptoms such as bleeding gums, backaches, varicose veins, hearty appetites and flatulence are still present. You can also notice that your hair and nails are growing at such a rapid rate.

Lemons For Pregnancy Nutrition

 Lemons are a healthy food to eat during pregnancy unless you are suffering from severe heartburn or gastrointestinal discomfort. This citrus fruit brings a lot of vitamins and nutrients which are very beneficial not just to you, but to your baby as well. You can take int the benefits of lemons from the juice or include them in delicious marinades or dressings.

According to research, aside from the nutrients which lemons give, this fruit can also help with morning sickness. According to the American Pregnancy Association, lemon is effective in easing nausea which is associated with pregnancy. Eating, sucking or sniffing lemons can help a lot in easing queasiness.

Lemons are excellent sources of nutrients such as copper, magnesium, phosphorus, folate, manganese, thiamine, niacin, Vitamin B6, riboflavin and pantothenic acid. Folates or folic acid is known to be beneficial in preventing the development of neural tube defects in the foetus. On the other hand, potassium is an essential mineral which helps in regulating the balance of chemicals and fluids in the body, most especially when the body is expanding in such a rapid rate. Lack of potassium usually results to leg and muscle cramps.

A tablespoon of lemon juice actually delivers 7 grams of Vitamin C, which is around 8% of the daily recommended Vitamin C intake in pregnant women. Lemons are great sources of Vitamin C which is useful in boosting the immune system of the body. Aside from its ability to ward off illnesses, Vitamin C also plays a vital role in promoting tissue repair. Furthermore, it assists the process of cartilage, collagen and mental development.

Lemons contain compounds which can help in reducing one’s cravings for salt. When salt is taken excessively, it can result in blood pressure problems and swelling.

Lemons are also known for its antibiotic and antioxidant properties. Antioxidants play a vital role in inhibiting the division process of cancer cells. The fruit actually contains limonoid compounds which are scientifically proven to be effective in helping the body fight against cancers of the lung, colon, mouth, breast, stomach and skin.


Though lemon is beneficial during pregnancy, pregnant women who experience severe heartburn and gastrointestinal discomfort should avoid taking this fruit as it can exacerbate their condition.

Pregnancy Diary Week 21

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All articles on the blog and website are intended as information only. Please do not consider any of the information provided here as a substitute for medical advice. At all times seek medical advice directly with your own doctor and medical team.


This website was formerly Merrion Fetal Health. The clinic has undergone a rebrand and is now known as Merrion Ultrasound.