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Pregnancy Diary Week 22

Discover your pregnancy journey

Pregnancy Diary Week 22

By this week, your baby looks like a miniature of a newborn. With a weight of almost one pound and length of almost 11 inches, it is such a joy to feel your baby moving, twisting and turning in your womb. Find out what else is happening during week 22 and why a kiwi or two could be good for you!


How your baby is growing

What you can expect  at this time

A beneficial food for your pregnancy nutrition


Pregnancy Diary Week 22: How Is Your Baby Growing?

As time passes by, your baby’s body is undergoing a lot of changes and developments. Now that you are in your second trimester, you can notice a lot of significant changes to your body and your baby is also developing at such a rapid rate.

By this week, your baby’s pancreas begins to be functional. It now starts producing hormones for the brain and the body. Also, it now aids the baby’s digestion. Also, your little babe is now hearing your voice and your heartbeat so talking to her can definitely help. In a little span of time, she will learn to recognize your voice.

Though her eyes have already formed, the coloured part – the iris – still lacks pigment. Also, there are tiny tooth buds developing beneath the baby’s gums.

What you can expect

This week, your body continues to expand so if you are prone to them, more stretch marks are about to come. Your bone ligaments tend to loosen so you can now begin to say goodbye to your much-loved stilettos. 

Other symptoms to expect this week include leg cramps, occasional faintness, dizziness, increased vaginal discharge, constipation, heartburn and indigestion. Aside from stretch marks, you can notice your navel protruding.

Kiwis For Pregnancy Nutrition

 As you know a good, varied choice of food is very important during pregnancy. What you eat is what your baby eats also. A diet composed of fruits and vegetables is very beneficial for you and for your baby. Kiwi is a very nutritious fruit to eat. It features a couple of health nutrients which are scientifically proven to be beneficial for you and your baby’s health.

Kiwi fruit is considered as one of the best superfruits in the world today. It is one of the most densely nutritious fruits available on the market today. Kiwi fruits are excellent sources of folic acid which is a very important nutrient during pregnancy. Folic acid plays a vital role in the development of the foetus in the womb. Pregnant women who lack folic acid are at a greater risk to have children with birth and neural tube defects. Folic acid also aids in the production of red blood cells which is important in the process of energy production.

Kiwi is also a good source of iron and calcium. Iron is very important in preventing the onset of anaemia which is a common condition in pregnant women. Anaemia usually causes pregnant women to suffer from fatigue and low energy. This is pretty normal during pregnancy because the body needs extra iron for the baby’s development.

On the other hand, its calcium content is useful in aiding the development of the baby’s bones, teeth and muscles. Also, calcium helps babies in having a healthy heart. Kiwi also contains high levels of potassium and Vitamin C. It contains more potassium than a banana and more Vitamin C than an orange. Also, it contains more Vitamin E than avocado. Vitamin E is known for its antioxidant content which helps prevent cell damage.

Kiwi is also a great source of other nutrients such as copper, chromium and manganese. Also, it delivers a probiotic nutrient which is good for the digestive system. It is a good source of dietary fibre which is beneficial in keeping your colon free from harmful bacteria and in maintaining a regular bowel movement. Constipation is one of the most common concerns during pregnancy and kiwi can help in preventing its occurrence

Pregnancy Diary Week 22

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All articles on the blog and website are intended as information only. Please do not consider any of the information provided here as a substitute for medical advice. At all times seek medical advice directly with your own doctor and medical team.


This website was formerly Merrion Fetal Health. The clinic has undergone a rebrand and is now known as Merrion Ultrasound.