Pregnancy Diary Week 25
Discover your pregnancy journey
Pregnancy Diary Week 25
At the same time as your baby’s nostrils are beginning to open, you may be experiencing the same as many other pregnant women do at this time – horrible haemorrhoids. It may not be all that comforting to know that you’re not alone, but instead part of a group of around 50% of pregnant women who go through this uncomfortable complaint. Find out what else is going on this week, plus check out the nutritional benefits of pears for you and your baby.
How your baby is growing
What you can expect at this time
A beneficial food for your pregnancy nutrition
Pregnancy Diary Week 25: How Is Your Baby Growing?
By week 25, your uterus is around the size of a soccer ball, and your baby should be around 1 ½ in weight and 13.5 inches long. Capillaries are forming at this time under your baby’s skin and are being filled with blood, plus by the latter part of this week, the same will have happened in his lungs.
Baby’s getting ready for his first breath! Up until this stage of your pregnancy baby’s nostrils were plugged up, but are now opening and watch out…so are his vocal cords.
He’s also starting to put on a bit of baby fat, which means that his wrinkles will start to smooth out. His hair is growing more now, enough so that you would be able to tell its colour and texture.
What you can expect
By this week, you can hear lots of tales about your baby’s gender depending on several factors. Some people would say that if you are carrying low, then you are having a baby boy, but if you are carrying high, then you can expect a baby girl.
Also, the baby’s gender is said to be determined by the speed of heart rate. If the foetus’ heart rate is fast, then you are more likely to have a baby girl. However, if the heart rate is slow, then expect a baby boy to arrive.
It can be around this time that many pregnant women develop haemorrhoids – these are normally caused by constipation. Try eating fibre-rich foods to prevent constipation and perform some Kegel exercises to prevent haemorrhoids. Haemorrhoids normally disappear after delivery.
Some pregnancy symptoms which have occurred in the past may continue to manifest this week. These pregnancy symptoms include varicose veins, tingling hands, snoring, indigestion and heartburn. Other symptoms include restless leg syndrome and symphysis pubis dysfunction. You can also notice your hair is becoming thicker and lustrous.
Pears For Pregnancy Nutrition
A good diet for pregnant women should be composed of foods rich in nutrients, which are ideally fresh, healthy and varied. Pears have a range of benefits which can contribute towards this. Pears are a very good source of Vitamin E, Vitamin C, copper, Vitamin B2, potassium and fibre such as pectin, which is a kind of water-soluble fibre.
Compared to apples, pears are better sources of pectin which is beneficial in toning the intestines and lowering the level of bad cholesterol in the body. Pectin also contains laxative and diuretic properties, which help in regulating bowel movements and preventing constipation.
Their fibre content is also beneficial in optimising colon health and preventing the onset of colon cancer. Boron is also one of the major components of pear which makes it special. Boron is useful in preventing the loss of calcium which is useful in promoting bone health and preventing the onset of osteoporosis.
A pear provides 12 micrograms of folic acid which is very important in preventing the onset of neural tube defects. The fruit is also an excellent source of Vitamin C which helps the body in fighting against infections. During pregnancy, pregnant women are quite prone to health infections due to the weakened immune system. Also, vitamin C is important for iron absorption.
Together with Vitamin C, copper is useful in eliminating free radicals from the body. Aside from its ability to moisten the throat, pears are also helpful in promoting urination and lowering the level of blood pressure. In fact, it helps in the treatment of gestational hypertension and gestational oedema.
According to research, pears are also beneficial in the treatment of dry mouth and lips, hepatitis and lung infections. In fact, it is considered as one of the best natural treatments for bronchitis and pneumonia.
Aside from its ability to increase one’s energy level, pears are also said to contain anti-inflammatory properties. According to findings, inflammation is one of the major risk factors for certain types of cancer.
All articles on the blog and website are intended as information only. Please do not consider any of the information provided here as a substitute for medical advice. At all times seek medical advice directly with your own doctor and medical team.
This website was formerly Merrion Fetal Health. The clinic has undergone a rebrand and is now known as Merrion Ultrasound.