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Pregnancy Diary Week 27

Discover your pregnancy journey

Pregnancy Diary Week 27

There are some experts who believe that it is the 27th week when baby starts to dream! Imagine your baby could be dreaming, and maybe you’re still dreaming about how the birth will be and how your new baby will be!!


How your baby is growing

What you can expect  at this time

A beneficial food for your pregnancy nutrition


Pregnancy Diary Week 27: How Is Your Baby Growing?

At the stage of week 27 in your pregnancy, your baby has lots going on in his or her head. The brain is very active at this stage. There is more brain tissue developing plus the characteristic grooves on the brain’s surface are beginning to appear.

Your baby may be starting to open his eyes at this time, and could be responding to loud noises by blinking, just as you do! Baby could be having a fit of the hiccups, which will feel like little rhythmic movements to you, and generally passes in a few minutes.

In week 27 baby measures over 36cm from his head to toes. The weight at this time is around 875 grams or 1.92 pounds.

If you are carrying a baby boy, it is during week 27 that his testes come down into his scrotum. If you are carrying a baby girl, imagine that by now her ovaries will have all their follicles.

What you can expect

You could be experiencing some shortness of breath, as your womb is up around your rib cage. Your appetite is most likely increasing and the weight gain around this time could start to result in some stretch marks. It is advisable to gain 1lb per week from now until you give birth to baby.

You are also possibly feeling little jabbing kicks from baby. When walking up the stairs or moving around in bed, some of you may be having PGP (pelvic girdle pain) or symphysis pubis dysfunction – if this is the case you may want to visit your GP or midwife, to get the pain treated effectively.

Walnuts For Pregnancy Nutrition

As you are feeling hungrier now, but you also want to eat healthily and stay at recommended weekly weight gain of 1 lb, you will want to eat food that satisfies, can seem like a treat but is also be healthy for both you and baby.

During this time as your baby’s brain is developing, any foods which are high in antioxidants are very beneficial. Foods such as spinach, apples, prunes, berries, grapes and raisins.

Additionally the groups of Omega 3 fatty acids are excellent during this time, as they are for a healthy lifestyle whether you are pregnant or not. These improve general brain function and they help restore memory. Salmon, sardines, herring, mackerel, flax oil and walnuts are high in Omega 3.

Baby Spinach And Walnut Salad

Why not treat yourself to a delicious baby spinach and walnut salad, with some cherry tomatoes, chopped scallions or shallots or onions, with (or without depending on your taste) some feta cheese(once the feta has been made from pasteurised milk of course)?

Walnuts are a wonderful source of energy, plus as well as being rich in omega 3, they are packed full of minerals, antioxidants, nutrients and vitamins.

Scientists at the Pennsylvanian, University of Scranton, have found that walnuts, out of all edible nuts, have the highest levels of popyphenolic antioxidants. As well as this the study revealed that they have levels of antioxidants 2 to 15 times more potent than vitamin E.

Walnuts are also a great source of B complex groups, phytochemical substances, calcium, iron, manganese, copper, potassium, zinc, selenium and magnesium. Walnuts have good fats, not bad fats, so you can feel comfortable to eat them. They are excellent for you and baby.

Pregnancy Diary Week 27

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All articles on the blog and website are intended as information only. Please do not consider any of the information provided here as a substitute for medical advice. At all times seek medical advice directly with your own doctor and medical team.


This website was formerly Merrion Fetal Health. The clinic has undergone a rebrand and is now known as Merrion Ultrasound.