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Pregnancy Diary Week 34

Discover your pregnancy journey

Pregnancy Diary Week 34

 Now is the time to begin utilising those pain-relieving tips and relaxation techniques that you learned in your antenatal classes.

If you are expecting twins, 37 weeks is considered full-term so your new arrivals could come in the next few weeks. Be certain your hospital bag is ready to go.


How your baby is growing

What you can expect  at this time

A beneficial food for your pregnancy nutrition


Pregnancy Diary Week 34: How Is Your Baby Growing?

 Your unborn baby measures about 45cm at 34 weeks pregnant and could be lying head down preparing for birth. Your child will be making a lot of tiny movements however, you won’t notice as many big ones – there’s is just too little room for somersaults any more.

The central nervous system is developing and her lungs are progressing as well.

If you gave birth in the next few days, your baby would be able to digest food on their own as the digestive enzymes are working at this current time.

Your baby’s memory is able to discern familiar sounds so it is necessary for you and your partner to continue talking to your baby. If you’ve been concerned about early labour, you’ll be glad to know that babies born between pregnancy week 34 and 37, in the absence of other health problems, typically do well.

What you can expect

You may observe swollen ankles and feet, particularly at the end of the day, this is to be expected. However, if you have puffiness in your face and hands talk to your doctor or midwife this could be a precursor of pre-eclampsia.

A clear white vaginal discharge at 34 weeks is normal. If however, it grows yellowish or thicker, it’s imperative to inform your midwife or doctor as this could be a sign of thrush.

If you’re currently working and feeling increasingly tired, this is normal. Talk to your employer about switching your hours to a time that travel is less hectic, or if its an option you could propose working from home.

Bok Choy-Pak Choi For Pregnancy Nutrition

 These are leafy green Chinese vegetables, which look much alike and are very versatile and easy to use.

They are known to aid digestion, as well as being high in vitamin C, vitamin A, calcium, dietary fibre and beta-carotene. This is a wonderful low fat, low carb, low-calorie food. It also contains vitamin B and potassium. It is a versatile tasty cabbage which is a superb source of folic acid. It also contains iron.
Bok Choy and Pak Choi Liven Up Any Stir Fry

These Chinese vegetables liven up any stir fry, as they can be added towards the end and are still very vibrant. You don’t want to let them get soggy, just keep an eye on how they feel and look as you stir the stir fry around.

Start your stir fry base with some freshly chopped ginger and garlic, and fresh coriander. Keep about half the chopped coriander aside to sprinkle on the dish before serving up. Heat up a couple of tablespoons of sesame oil or vegetable oil (I love sesame oil, but it works very well with vegetable oil).

Pop in the chopped ginger, garlic and coriander just for a few moments until they are releasing their flavours, but don’t risk them becoming toasted or burnt, as this will change the taste – and not for the best …

Use chopped red and yellow bell peppers, cut in long thin strips, and onions cut in a similar way. Add in some teriyaki sauce, or if you prefer some oyster sauce or a sweet and sour sauce. Choose the taste you feel like.

If you wish to add some lean meat, also cut this into long strips but make them more bite-sized and brown the meat briefly on another pan, so that it won’t take too long to cook.

When you have your spices ready, then add in your chosen sauce and a small bit of water to start, next add in the chopped vegetables (but not the bok choy or pak choi, keep that til towards the end).

Cook the vegetables constantly stirring them for about 4 minutes, next add in the meat. It is vital to check the taste and add more sauce and/or water according to how it tastes, as well as salt and pepper.

After a few more minutes the meat should be almost cooked, but this will, of course, depend on what meat you have chosen. Check it carefully.

Ideally, you should add the bok choy or pak choi a minute or so before the end, and then add an extra bit of sauce and water to deal with the larger volume, without drowning everything!!

Stir for a few moments so that the Chinese vegetable absorbs the flavours and is cooked, but not overcooked. It is best eaten quite crispy.

It can be served with rice, by itself, with noodles, or with quinoa.

Sprinkle the chopped coriander over before serving, and if you wish some toasted sesame seeds.




Pregnancy Diary Week 34

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All articles on the blog and website are intended as information only. Please do not consider any of the information provided here as a substitute for medical advice. At all times seek medical advice directly with your own doctor and medical team.


This website was formerly Merrion Fetal Health. The clinic has undergone a rebrand and is now known as Merrion Ultrasound.