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Pregnancy nutrition & diet advice-some basics

11 pregnancy diet and nutrition essentials

During pregnancy diet is of the utmost importance, both for you to be healthy and for your baby to get all the nutrition he needs to develop. This article investigates some of the essentials of pregnancy diet and nutrition that will help you work towards a healthy pregnancy.


Pregnancy calorie intake-how many calories a day do you need

The simple answer to this question is that you will need between 2,200 calories to 2,900 calories per day during pregnancy. However your pregnancy calorie intake should increase gradually during your pregnancy. But it’s the type of calorie that really count!


Teenage pregnancy nutrition-how to help an adolescent Mum-to-be

Babies born to teenagers have a higher chance of having some congenital anomalies, lower birth weights and sadly, there’s an increased chance of infant mortality. With proper nutrition that takes into account the teenager’s lifestyle and GA, these risks can be reduced.


Pregnancy nutrition A - Z

apples in pregnancy

A - Apples in pregnancy - 10 potential benefits

Apples offer a range of benefits in pregnancy, as they contain Vitamin C, the B complex vitamins – B-6, thiamin and riboflavin, dietary fibre, phytonutrients, potassium, iron, calcium and phosphorus. Discover 10 potential benefits of apples during pregnancy.


A - Apricots in pregnancy-10 nutritional benefits

Apricots are tasty, easy to snack on and full of great nutrition. Did you know that only one handful of dried apricots contains 10% of the recommended iron dosage for pregnant women?


C - Calcium in pregnancy-6 calcium facts you need to know

During pregnancy, you need to consume 3 portions of dairy products, or calcium-fortified food alternatives. If you are an adolescent who is pregnant, you will need to bring these recommended portions up to 5 per day. Learn about calcium nutrition in pregnancy.


C - Vitamin C in pregnancy - its role and food which contains it

Vitamin C plays a central role to protect cells and help to keep them healthy. Essentially Vitamin C stimulates the immune system. It also aids iron absorption, combats allergies, has antioxidant properties, helps heal wounds and is like a cement for our connective


D - The Importance Of Vitamin D In Pregnancy And General Health

Did you know that Vitamin D deficiency (hypovitaminosis D) is considered to be a global health problem, and has been labelled “an ignored epidemic”? Not only this, but according to a research study, in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, pregnant Irish women’s intake


D - DNA & pregnancy: what you need to know

Most of us know the term, DNA, but unless you are involved in some aspect of the scientific or medical world, it’s unlikely to be a subject that you discuss very often. This feature delves into the fascinating subject of DNA & pregnancy. Discover more about our genetic coding.


E - Vitamin E in pregnancy: what you need to know

Vitamin E, like all other vitamins and nutrients, plays various roles in our health, and of course, during pregnancy. However Vitamin E has had some questionable press, such as one study that was carried out in Holland and made its way into the Daily Mail. The NHS picked this up also.


D - The Importance Of Vitamin D In Pregnancy And General Health

Did you know that Vitamin D deficiency (hypovitaminosis D) is considered to be a global health problem, and has been labelled “an ignored epidemic”? Not only this, but according to a research study, in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, pregnant Irish women’s intake


F - Fish and omega fats - especially omega-3s and 6s

Fish is rich in other essentials such as omega 3 fats, selenium, zinc, B12 and iodine. Oily fish are also rich in vitamins D and A. However some fish contain high levels of mercury, and others could cause food poisoning. So let’s get that out of the way first.


F - Folic Acid - The Importance Of Taking It Before & During Early Pregnancy

Folic acid both before & during early pregnancy is extremely important. An insufficient amount of folic acid may cause the baby’s neural tube to close incorrectly & this could develop health issues such as neural tube defects – also known as NTDs. The recommended dose for a woman


F - Food attitude: Nutritionist Karen Ward on food attitudes & folic acid

Nutrition is so often something that isn’t on the horizon until a woman finds out she is pregnant but the importance of prenatal nutrition is of major significance more and more research is coming to light on the power it holds in influencing a positive pregnancy outcome.


iodine in pregnancy dairy products

I - Iodine in pregnancy-its role and food sources

This iodine in pregnancy article walks you through the basics, information from the World Health Organisation, the role it plays in pregnancy and food sources where you can find it. Learn more about iodine in pregnancy.


I - Iron in pregnancy

To ensure that your baby will have healthy blood cells during those important nine months, iron in pregnancy is essential. However, you may be one of the many women who don’t even realise that they simply aren’t getting enough iron.


methyl rich foods pregnancy

M - Methyl Rich Foods In Pregnancy

You may or may not have heard of methyl rich foods. Everyone needs them in their diet, basically because without them you run the risk of expression of your bad genes. If you are pregnant, or hoping to become pregnant, they become even more important.


phosphorus pregnancy

P - Phosphorus in pregnancy

When you want to build strong bones in both you and your baby, it’s important to eat phosphorous when pregnant. Around 85% of phosphorus that is found in the human body is found in the bones.


Pregnancy Scans & More Information


Nuchal Translucency

12-14 weeks


Anatomy Survey

21-22 weeks


Later Dating

10-17 weeks


Gender Scan

19 weeks onwards


Growth & Well Being

22 weeks onwards


Post Dates & Liquor

40 weeks onwards


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All articles on the blog and website are intended as information only. Please do not consider any of the information provided here as a substitute for medical advice. At all times seek medical advice directly with your own doctor and medical team.


This website was formerly Merrion Fetal Health. The clinic has undergone a rebrand and is now known as Merrion Ultrasound.