It includes:
1. Fish during pregnancy – the do’s and don’ts
2. Why eat fish during pregnancy
3. The importance of omega-3 fatty acids
4. Omega-3s should be consumed by everyone
5. The importance of omega-6 fatty acids
6. Sources of omega 3’s and 6’s
1. Fish during pregnancy – the do's and don'ts
When pregnant, ideally you should eat two portions of fish every week, one of which should be oily.
Ensure fish is properly cooked, hot right through
You can eat tuna once your intake is limited to 4 tins per week, or 2 tuna steaks each week
Eat raw shellfish – this could cause food poisoning
Eat fish that contain high levels of mercury – marlin, swordfish and shark
2. Why eat fish during pregnancy

Fish is rich in other essentials such as omega 3 fats, selenium, zinc, B12 and iodine. Oily fish are also rich in vitamins D and A.
3. The importance of omega-3 fatty acids
Did you know that before birth 75% of brain cells are already in place? The remainder will be in place at the end of your baby’s first year of life.
As well as brain development, this fat is also necessary for normal eye development, both when you are pregnant and during infancy.
Studies have also shown that omega-3 fatty acids can help fight pre-natal depression. They have also been shown to possibly help prevent pre-term birth.

4. Omega-3s should be consumed by everyone
1. Omega-3s can help fight inflammation
2. Lower blood fats
3. Reduce blood pressure
4. Increase good cholesterol (HDL)
5. May lower both bad cholesterol (LDL)
6. Omega-3s may help reduce blood pressure
5. The importance of omega-6 fatty acids
Omega-6s also play a role in:
1. Bone health
2. A healthy reproductive system
3. A healthy metabolism
4. Stimulating hair and skin growth

6. Sources of omegas-3 and 6
You can find these in:
Oily fish such as sardines, herring, salmon, mackerel, sardines and trout
White fish like plaice, cod and whiting
They are also present in some vegetables oils such as canola, rapeseed, walnut, flaxseed and linseed
When pregnant, ideally you should eat two portions of fish every week, one of which should be oily.
Midwife sonographer facilitated
Consultant Led, Centre of Medical Excellence
All articles on the blog and website are intended as information only. Please do not consider any of the information provided here as a substitute for medical advice. At all times seek medical advice directly with your own doctor and medical team.
This website was formerly Merrion Fetal Health. The clinic has undergone a rebrand and is now known as Merrion Ultrasound.