The Benefits Of Hydrotherapy During Pregnancy
1. Water works wonders
Using water to treat aches and pains is called hydrotherapy and it is rapidly becoming the number one choice of mums-to-be. Your body is working harder than ever during pregnancy and the nine months can sometimes feel like you have been through the rigours of running a marathon at times so you have to prioritise looking after yourself like never before.
Used for millennia to soothe all sorts of discomforts and ills, water has truly transformative properties and can revitalise our tired muscles and help work out those tough knots that are now creeping into every nook and cranny.
It is generally safe for most women to use water during pregnancy but speak to a health professional for tips on what will work best for you as an individual.
2. Check the temperature
It will also be good preparation for the months and years ahead, when checking the temperature of your baby’s bath will become a daily routine, just one of many!

3. Pain relief
It is important to exercise regularly to keep your busy body in shape but, as you carry your growing bump around, this will put extra pressure on muscles and joints – some of which you are probably just becoming acquainted with for the first time. Gentle movements in water allow you to enjoy the benefits of keeping mobile and flexible through pregnancy but the weightlessness of your body under water means that the pressure is lifted from your strained muscles and back.
Water is the perfect tonic for over worked muscles as it helps them relax, which in turn allows your mind to feel like it is decompressing from all the stresses and strains pregnancy naturally brings. This wonderful therapy also helps to promote a positive calm and can help you to unwind for a deep restorative sleep. Something to be relished for the last few months before your new addition joins you!
Using the healing powers of water is also ideal for easing back pain, one of the most common complaints. The buoyancy you experience while submerged in water is exactly what this part of your body needs.
4. Giving birth
Cold water splashed on the face during labour can have a calming effect as it helps you take a hold of your own attention so you can focus on taking control of your body. Some babies will even be delivered into the water, which will alleviate some of the pain for you – even if there is any tearing.
5. Warm down
One of the added bonuses of using a pool after giving birth is that it can also help you to move that extra baby weight quicker than you might have thought possible without putting pressure on your tender muscles and joints.
Midwife sonographer facilitated
Consultant Led, Centre of Medical Excellence
All articles on the blog and website are intended as information only. Please do not consider any of the information provided here as a substitute for medical advice. At all times seek medical advice directly with your own doctor and medical team.
This website was formerly Merrion Fetal Health. The clinic has undergone a rebrand and is now known as Merrion Ultrasound.